When do you need the services of a professional dog trainer?
It is normal for a newly adopted puppy or dog to be uneasy with the new setup and unknown people around. This is more likely to occur in houses where there are a lot of people. Usually, newly adopted dogs may take a few days or weeks to adapt to the new place and owner. However, in some cases, dog owners cope with long-term behavioral issues, and expert assistance is required.
Listed below are the warning signs that you need the intervention of a professional dog trainer:
Destructive tendencies
While it is normal for growing dogs and puppies to chew on things like shoes and accessories within their reach, continued destructive tendencies are what you need to look out for in an adopted dog. If you find no amount of pampering or scolding is changing such habits, maybe your dog requires expert care.
Excessive barking
When a dog is brought to a new place, some initial discomfort and anxiety are natural. The puppy or dog may whine or bark from time to time. However, these are not for the long term. Occasional barking at spotting strangers is commonplace. If you find a newly adopted puppy or dog keeps on barking most of the time, there can be an underlying issue.
Extreme separation anxiety
Dogs are among the pets that grow very thatched to their human owners, say scientists and animal researchers. They develop a strong bond with humans and hence suffer from separation anxiety. Some dog breeds exhibit enhanced levels of separation anxiety than others. However, if you find your adopted dog is unable to cope with separation even for a few minutes, maybe the creature requires expert intervention to cope with the issue.
If your dog is uncomfortable with a person or feels threatened by him/her, he may try to bite that person. However, a dog that tries to attack or bite most persons getting close is definitely suffering from some inner issue. Do not waste time calling a professional dog trainer, or the situation will turn worse.
Sometimes, when dogs are not comfortable with a setup, they will seek an escape route. However, a dog that keeps on escaping the house no matter how many times he is brought back cannot be trained domestically. It can be owing to some inner discomfort factor the creature is dealing with.
In some other situations too, you will gain by calling a dog trainer. If you are unaware of ways to train your dog or find the animal way too aggressive for your comfort, consult a dog trainer.
Things to keep in mind
Seeking the services of a skilled and reliable dog trainer will help in managing your adopted dog, for sure. However, you have to keep a few important aspects in mind. Not every dog has the same temperament and comfort level. Some dogs simply need more time than others to settle in a new place. Do not be in a hurry to make your dog behave perfectly! Give the canine friend a few more days to see if that improves things.
Just like humans, dogs need their own space to feel good and at ease. After adopting a puppy or dog, you will feel like cuddling and pampering it but do not go overboard. If the kids at home keep playing with the dog all the time, the creature will get tired and resort to barking and biting after a limit. Before calling in a dog trainer, try to find out if anything is causing discomfort to the dog. It could be caused by an insect bite or the place where he is being kept. A moist or cold place will not suit the creature.