8 Key Tips to Train a Puppy

Welcoming a new puppy into your home is a heartwarming experience, but it comes with the responsibility of training. This process not only shapes their behaviour but also strengthens the

10 Things You Need to Buy When You Welcome Home a New Puppy

Bringing a new puppy home is a special feeling filled with excitement and fun. But taking care of puppies comes with a lot of responsibilities. Like babies, puppies also need

To Mau’mau, the keeper of my happiness – Happy Raksha Bandhan

To Mau’mau, the keeper of my happiness – Happy Raksha Bandhan Mau’mau was barely a few months old when my health massages re-started. She perched on top of the credenza

Why is training important when you get a puppy both for you and your pet – Part II

Training is globally seen as essential and is mandatory in the bigger cities abroad. India despite its love for animals is still a country learning how to parent its pets.

Worst pickup line ever – Boarding puppies for 25 days every month is okay

I was invited by a much senior batch from my BSchool to attend a welcome party for a gentleman who had just moved into town. I am quite fond of

Shiva – Kal Bhairav – Pashupati – Hinduism and dogs 

On Mahashivratri let’s remember the place of animals and especially dogs in the life of the Fearless One. Hinduism accepts humans as just one of many life forms. Each form

A tired dog is a well-behaved dog

Exercising and keeping your pet in good shape also ensures that it is well behaved Bruno is the golden retriever I know best. The breed is meant to be mild

Your cat can talk. But are you listening?

Mau acting lovelorn as I was too busy on a call to give her attention Parent and Pet behaviour – How to understand what your pet is saying I talk

Your pet to you – Change your Facebook Status. You are in a relationship with me.

Let’s admit our true loves are our cats and dogs  Happy Valentine’s Day everyone. The usual frenzy adds a zing to spring. I’d like to know how many of us

I adopted a puppy – My neighbours are threatening to make me shift

Why dog training is important  Being a good pet parent includes being a considerate neighbour as the benefit accrues to the family and the pet. It ensures that your pup

Finding Mau’mau – A cat adoption story

A cat-aggressive dog knew before his humans, that a kitten had been adopted This is meant to be the simplest story I tell, having narrated it often, for more than
