The summer months are pretty scorching, and the average temperature is rising in many places, thanks to the menace known as global warming. You may resort to many things to

After four really hot summer months, there’s a lot to look forward to during the monsoon season. Both humans and pets, relish in the water paradise, from watching the little

Comes the monsoon and starts the problem of thunderstorm anxiety in pets. The rumbling of thunder, lightning and strong winds can even cause the most well-behaved pets to pant, tremble,

The nature’s beauty is in its full galore during the monsoon. A good spell of rain is much-needed and a welcome-relief after the scorching summer heat, not just for us

Puppies are sensitive and vulnerable to infections and diseases. To prevent this, vaccines or shots are administered to them. Vaccines form a core component of preventative wellness care in puppies.

Is your dog scratching himself abnormally? Does your furry friend seem to itch a lot these days? If yes, it might be a sign that he is having ticks or

Visiting the vet can be dreadful for many pets and their owners alike. However, it’s important and necessary to keep your pet healthy and fit. To make your visits less

Training is globally seen as essential and is mandatory in the bigger cities abroad. India despite its love for animals is still a country learning how to parent its pets.

Ways to Make Your Dog Smell Better All dogs tend to have a natural odour. It is because they sweat through their feet. This sweat has a chemical scent. Also,

Cats are without any doubt one of the best companions. Why? Because they’re intelligent, disciplined, cheerful, and affectionate. If you’re thinking about adopting a cat, we’ve shortlisted the popular cat

Just like humans, dogs are social creatures. They love interacting with other humans and dogs alike. Socializing your dog and ensuring he is comfortable in new experiences forms a significant

Are you craving a vacation but feel guilty about leaving your tail-wagger? But, you have to understand that no matter how much you love your furry friend, it’s impossible to