To Mau’mau, the keeper of my happiness – Happy Raksha Bandhan

To Mau’mau, the keeper of my happiness – Happy Raksha Bandhan Mau’mau was barely a few months old when my health massages re-started. She perched on top of the credenza

8 Reasons Why Your Dog Licks Excessively

Every dog possesses a licking behavior. Mother dogs lick their puppies to groom them, and the puppies lick their siblings when they roll around. There are several reasons why dogs

10 Significant Reasons for Choosing a Cat as an Amazing Pet

As long as cats and dogs have been domesticated, our population has been bifurcated into two categories: one group who prefer cats as their pets and the other one who

6 Ways to Keep Your Pup Cool in Summer | PawPurrfecto

Is your summer checklist ready? But, what about your pet? Looking for ways to keep your pet cool this summer? Here are 6 ways to escape the summer heat.  It’s that

Finding Mau’mau – A cat adoption story

A cat-aggressive dog knew before his humans, that a kitten had been adopted This is meant to be the simplest story I tell, having narrated it often, for more than
